Meet Our Women’s Health POCUS Director
Diana Dowdy is a long-time resident of Huntsville and has practiced as a Certified Nurse-Midwife for over 42 years. She obtained her Master’s degree from Emory University and her Doctorate in Nursing Practice from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 2010. She was awarded as Fellow of the American College of Nurse-Midwives in 2018. Diana is a credentialed as a registered sonographer. Her most recent practice was at Vanderbilt University, teaching in both the Midwifery and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner programs, as well as practicing in the Midwifery Practice. She worked at Baby and Company birth center in Nashville from 2017 to 2020 and is a registered sonographer.
After a brief “retirement” Diana is delighted to have the opportunity to join the midwifery practice at Women4Women. Midwifery and women’s health care have been a life-long passion and calling. Diana has worked in many different settings, including private practice, public health, academia, and international health. She has held several national offices, including the Chair of the ARDMS Midwifery Ultrasound Education Division, and is an active member of the American College of Nurse Midwives Ultrasound Education Committee.
Despite all the organizational commitments, Diana’s primary professional passion has been for helping women and babies on an individual basis. She serves as the Director of the Midwifery and Women’s Health Point-of-Care Ultrasound Program with RAD-AID International, which supports low- and middle-income women in over 31 countries worldwide. Diana has traveled to many countries providing critical healthcare education, most recently in Grenada, and Uganda. Having worked globally, Diana has developed a clear understanding of the universality of human suffering, especially for women and babies. Because of her experience, Diana remains deeply focused on meeting women at the point of their greatest need and vulnerability. That, very often, is during childbearing, but extends to all aspects of women’s care.
Diana is active with family and church activities. She is married to a middle school teacher, and has 2 grown sons, both married. One son (architect) and his wife live in Huntsville; and the other son (in seminary) and his wife are in Denver. When she has spare time, Diana enjoys music, board games, playing on Oculus, and bird watching/feeding.
Recently returned from Grenada, island country of the West Indies.